Wayfinder. Life Coach. Guide to alignment.

I used to help corporates raise billions of dollars while raising two young kids. There’s never enough time. Every day, I rush. I hurry. I dragged everyone around me to rush and hurry… because I thought that’s how you achieve into a wonderful life. Guess what - many things do get done but the unfinished, uncertainty and incompletes also grew bigger as I achieve more.

Eventually, I was constantly stressed out. I ruminated about work at home and about home at work. I missed school applications for my kids. I stopped going to the gym. I started having all family celebrations in restaurants next to my office. I outsourced a tremendous amount of my parenting to grandparents, helpers and full-day camps. I overate. I overshopped.

Eventually, I was no longer doing what I wished I was doing everyday. That’s when life coaching found me. Everything has shifted dramatically ever since. I was intrigued by how magical this often overlooked inner work is and got trained as a coach thereafter.

So, here I am… keen to help other working parents to do the same.

Client Testimonials

Diane Yeung journalling in cafe

Every problem is a thought problem.

So many of us in the corporate world have worked so hard for years, accumulating titles and growth, only to wake up one day and realized we’ve achieved ourselves into a live that we don’t want.

We got into a life where the grinding it through, keeping up with the rat race and the constant exhaustion are indispensable part of our day. The system tells us to continue to chase the bigger, better, faster, more.

Good news is - there are other ways to be. It’s possible to get out of this bad loop and create a life you truly want. And it lies learning the skills of watching our minds and tuning in.

The human brain is a constant meaning making machine generating around 30k-60k thoughts per day. These thoughts are heavily biased towards the negative due to evolutionary needs to survive in the jungle. On the other hand, there’re a lot of inflexible mental rules, thought patterns auto-programmed by our upbringing, culture and media that we muddled with our decision making without us even being aware of them.

Therefore, the way out is to actively manage our minds… intentionally build critical awareness our thought patterns, discern what serve us from those that don’t, tune into our real wants and real desires and design how to think and feel to create those.

The solution is really quite simple and effective (albeit requiring hard work) though no school nor company will teach you these skills. For those that are interested in living their best selves, it’s really up to us to create this for ourselves though coaching.